Thursday, August 30, 2007
hi3finally went to schoolafter a 2days MCso thursday same old kopi dayhahasthan went to schoolmorning assemblyMR Lim KTgave us some detail aboutthe N level LCafter tt went back to classEnglishms xu miss me too muchonce i see her she says"Shawn u are finally back help me go collect the books from my cupboard"so nice of her NOTthan was MT teacher let us do wad we wan cause she had finish with allher lessons and workthan went to recess after recess came back to classwaited for rameshtook a longer time for him to comethan when he reachedhe said"4C1 quickly bring ALL ur science thingS and go to the lab now"than all rushedcant tell me before hand mehxthan we can prepare wadso after his lessons was mathsdid worksheet and got back REport book3passed 2 failedso its alright ^^than went back home changedwent to Causeway see movieDEAD SILENCEwas a great showshould go and watch if u haven watchthan palyed at the tz thereafter tt went back to tz(Yishun)than went to eat at 156than went to adrian househelp him with his commost help came form aflanthan mother calledso went downbring my nephew back firstthan went back home dinner
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
yo2was sick yesterdayso didnt go to schooland didnt went outsee i so good boylolsya i did ernt out yesterdaywent to see doctorhahasthan came back homehahasso just rest at home larxtill todayok today i was ok liaobut didnt go to school causedoctor gave me a 2days MCso y go??hahas 1 more day at homebut i went out todaywent to tz awhile than went to eat and went back home played with my nephew all the waytill nowhe just went homenow going to eat dinner and prepare for tomorrow le
Monday, August 27, 2007
dun really noe wad to typetodaytoday a very tired day lanow also very sianz liaohaizz
Sunday, August 26, 2007
hey2woke up early todaycause have to go to grandfather's housego there pai paithan around 2 like tt met up with justinthan took a MRT down to yishunslack for awhilethan Match startedplayed finish liao we lost by 2pointssad but will try harder nxt timethan slack at tz all the way till at nightwent to eat dinner at changi airportlolswent to eat swensenshahasfood there was great ^^after the whole meal went back homejust now just finish bathing think will be sleepin soon
Salmon Bake Rice
Chocolate Fondue
Last Pic
A 3years old boy Playing MT3
Saturday, August 25, 2007
yo2yesterdaycant remember anythingjust remember went to schooltimezone cell and winston's houseand sayed and homereach home around 4+Todaywoke around 2+than went to tzstayed there all theway played MT3than went to 921 to have lunchafter lunch went back to tz againplayed againthan at night went to 925 to eat with parentsafter eating come homenow at home tring to get something to doTomorrow 3pmYishun TimeZone-WRD- VS *WSR*
Thursday, August 23, 2007
yo2didn post for yesterdaycuase nephew sleep in my room than notime go do my postalso noting much lawent schoolthan came back home didngo timezonesleep all the way than at night waketo eat dinner than go back sleep againhahasTodaywent to have my thursday morning kopi firsthahasthan went to schooltoday school noting la take back test paperthan go home liaowent to mac with kah wai alleat firstthan wernt back homerelax awhilethan went to tzmeet adrianpalyed CS with danley and adrianafter cs max tune all the wayat night went to 156 eat dinnerafter dinner talk talk awhile than went back homehad dinner again with parentshahas
My Team Car[W]angan [R]acing [D]evelopment
My Personal Car*Sls*

From Left to Right
Syntha Me Justin
Actually wanted to take team car de
but went away
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
hey2dun wan to say much bout yesterdaycause now tired liao labut yesterday was my last paperfor perlimshahasbut N coming liao -_-Todaywent to schoolsame old assemblywent back classgot back maths paper 1got 13/50expected lanvm than was PE play badmintonafter PEwent back class Maths paper 1 correctionsfor 2periodthan recess after recess englishdidn get back paperdid pass year papersthan was science got back paper 2i got 15/50did corrrectionsthan was MT relax all the way till assemblywhich was SUPER BORING call people come sing songsthan went back home with velreach home bath and change thna went to meetadrian liao today 1 whole day at tzthan at night go 156 same thingstalk talk than laterwent back home by busthan nw going to sleep le
Sunday, August 19, 2007
yo2woke up todaydunno wad time liaohahasjust know wake upthan eat breakfast liaothan waited till 2+ than went toburn joss paper with parentsafter burningwent back up bath than went down to tzreach liao sawjevan adrian curtis dickson eddie syntha jasonyeaphahasthan see them play than after awhile i tune car-WRD- finally got NEON LIGHT liaohahasgoing to full tune liaoyay!!than after awhile adrian jevan jason went to SPwhile i stayed at NP causehave to reach home by 6.45 like tt to eat dinnerand i really didfirst timelolsthan just finish dinner onlygoing to sleep soonYEA!! Tomorrow last paper liaoNE exams teacher saysits going to test u about singaporefor exampleWho is ur Prime Minster Where is Sentosa Located
Saturday, August 18, 2007
hey2didn post for yesterday cause sickand still sickcant really remember wad happen so just go on todayTodaywoke around 2pmrelax at home all the waycause still not feeling wellleg pain like siao lathan sore troatso stayed at home all the waytill around 5+stomach hungry so wentto np to eatwent up to tz firstthan syntha and eddie tanpei me go eatwa i sick liaostill can eat macsomemore still upsizelolsnvmthan pei syntha walk walkaround tzthan took a bus homeat interchange saw anthony and danleyall going home liaothan i went home tooreach home usecom than just finish my dinner
Thursday, August 16, 2007
yo2went to school today for perlimsmaths paper 2 ok lanot really diffcultcan do deso after paper was raining heavilyso relax at school awhile thanwent to bus stop take bus go Npeat KFCafter eating went homebath than came out againwent Tz till dunno wad timethan go eatafter eating went to bishanMT3 theresaw some building made from biscuit NICE?
hahasspend till no money liao arxpok liao me T.Tafter awhile cameto Yishun than went to eat dinnerwith adrian after eating went back homeparents fatch me back homeeat dinner than going to sleep soonfound this pic in my phone forget to post
JUSTIN aka *JlE*took this pic at the new cafe
he noe wad i mean
tomorrow CPA paper
and finally my perlims monday over le
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
yo2same thingsperlims today3paperscience paper 2 &3and maths paper 1science i dunno liaohard siathan maths was alright lanot really very hard laafter examswent back home bath and changedto full uthan went to tz for awhilethan went to schooltook CCA photohahasbest arx my very last yearafter taking went back homewhile walking half waysuddenly a white car drive so slowly beside methan i tt wad sia like wtf this car doindrive so slowthan i see the car WAsee the number plateSCMthan i noe who liaoall opss student should noeSoo Chew Mingthan i wave to her say byereach home sleepthan just finish eating dinnerTomorrow Maths paper 2 liaodunno can anot arx
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
same thing today
chinese and scince paper 1
first time i do my chinese paper
if not i just anyhow do than sleep liao
but this time took around 30min to do
so after perlims
i went back home relax awhile took bus to tz
MT3 all the way
no different also
than went to eat at the new restuarnt
eat Murtabak
than went back up to tz
played again
than went to 156
adrian father treat me dinner
thanks uncle and the auntie
who cooked some food too
thanks ^^
after dinner pei adrian go make sepc
after make went back home by bus
reach home eat abit more than sleepin soon liao
Tomorrow Science paper 2&3 and Maths paper 1
die liao for maths but scince still can
Anyway thanks to Jevan
got our team logo liao
dunno for now or forever liao
Monday, August 13, 2007
yo2went to school todaysame old thingsonly thing is today 1st day of Perlimsso instead of going back to classwent up to the hallfirst English paper 1dunno how long labut i took around 1hour to finishfirst time i take so long time to finishhahasnvm than sleepedthan after the paper went downto eat luncheat liao relax awhile go back up to the halldid paper 2 liaopaper 2 i dunno i took how longso nvm after the paperi can say is alright lanot really diffcult labut still abit hardnvm after everythingwent back home pai pai with my motherthan burn joss paperthan went down to timezoneslack there all the waythan went to eat the Ah Mei Restuarntnot bad la the food but exafter eating tz awhile morethan went to 156 pei joeson eatafter eating talk awhile than came back home with parentsreach home liao eat dinnerjust finish dinner not longTomorrow Science and Chinese Paperhope can pass ScienceI cant return any sms cause didn pay billssorry allWangan Racing Development HuAt ArHz~!!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
hi2went to timezone todaysame samestayed there for the whole dayplay and playthan at night went home for dinneradrian pei me go bus stopvery funny siawe talk halfwaysuddenly got 1 china maninfront of us made a very nice "putt"than me and adrian laugh until like siao like ttreach home liaoeat dinnernow going to sleep liaoTOMORROW PERLIMS LIAO
Saturday, August 11, 2007
hi2went to tz todaysame when its hoildaystimezone all the way lathan play MT3 all the waythan around 2+ go 921 there eat lunchafter eating came back to tzstayed there till 6+than went to eat dinner at 156 coffeeshoptalk to adrian awhilethan mother calledthan waited for them to comethey reached lioapick me upthan went homeeat againbut i didnt eat soo much lalater slacking with hongji all
hey2Yesterdayto make it fast went toMarina there to watch fireworkwith adrian jevan jason saeed samuel his stead vel and winstonone thing funny is samuel shout so loud"I can see I can see I can see the tree"than we all laughhahasthan me adrian saeed jason and farizwent to AMK to eat after eating saeed and fariz went offhave to catch the last bus lathan me adrian and jason sit down at coffeeshop relaxthan took a cab back to yishunthan i took a bus homeTodaywoke up at 10.45amcalled adrian and jevan meet at Tzso i bath and changedthan went down to meet jevancause he very early reach liaomeet liao than walk walkthan go back tzrelax after awhile adrian camethan play awhile morethan go 925 eat after eating went to buy ticketsfor Rush Hour 3a funny show very very funnyshould go and watchthan went to safaraplayed bowling and poolfun day lathan came back GV to watch rush hour3after watchin went to tz awhilethan went to chong pang for cellcell watch one more showforget the title liaoafter the show went to eat at AMKeat finish liao James bring us back homethanks sirhahasthan now at home findin things to do
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
yo2went to school celebrated National Daythis year parade BB takeno concert only have gamesthan i sway give teacher pick than end up play vollyball -_-"lost la but nvmcause i dunno how to play at allthan after tt went back to classtake gifts ladidn take anycause all stupid thingsthan went back homebath than went to meet adrian at tzplayed from 1pm till 7pmno stop at allstop only for like 5minsgo get a drinkwent to 156eat dinner with adrianafter eating went to helpmy mother take Q numbersick la sheafter seeing doctoe went to eat after eatingcame back home bathTomorrow going to watch fireworks with Jason, Saeed and AdrianPSR HuAtZ ArHz~!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
hey2went to school todaysame things V-P talk abit too muchthan Life skillsdid mathspaper 1than PEfinally pass my pull up liaohahasand got injuredfloorball stick hit me directly atthe back of my knee therepain siabut still can walk lahahasthan slowly walk back to classreach class liaofire drill than have to go back down again-_-"how i wish i didn went up to classthan went to basketball courtfor less than 5minsthan go back classMaths again2period somemorebut cause of fire drill1period gonehahasthan was recesafter recessenglishdid report writingthan 2period Sciencealright lanoting muchthan MTtalk with teacherthan bo liaogo sweep e floorthan went to assemblyDRAGGED alotthan took cab home causebring back booksreach home bath change went to meetadrian at Tzthan slack there for dunno how longall the way till 7than went to 156 eatafter eatingwent back home via busreach home waited for parents to eat dinnereat finish liao thna use com all the waysleepin soonPSR hUaTz ArHz~!!!
Monday, August 6, 2007
yo2went to school todaysame old thingsonly today got hair checkdidn get caughthahascause teacher dun careso went back up to classScience firstdid notes lathan englishdid report writtingthan mathspaper 1than Chinesetalk talk liao than lessons overrecessafter recess had mock testmaths papergot one nabei cheebye de teacher everything alsowrite down than give teacher seefuk la the teacher one big fat asshole niawan come act zai onlythan after tt ramesh came in for 1 more lessonafter tt talked awhile than dismissedafter dissmissed went to eat didn got home cause wanto see the NDP paradecause BB take laso stayed back see them dostayed with aloy till 6+ than went homereach home sleepjust finish dinner only
Sunday, August 5, 2007
yo2woke up at around 12.20cause slack with adrian till 5amthan wake up liao eat breakfastafter eating bath everythingthan went to Npmeet adrianthan played awhilethan go eat with adrian at 921after eating went back up to tzslack all the way therethan after awhile go cut haircut liao wet back tzslack awhile thaniwent back home cause not feeling well lathan adrian pei joeson go cut hairtook bus homereach home liao sleep all the waytill 8+ than call my mother buy food come backthan just finish dinner only
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Yesterdayhad a very very long dayso post should be long try to cut shorthad school all the lessons samepe did notingtoo tired liaothna MT talk with teacherthan recesseat liao went back mathsdid paper 1than english went to libarythan came back up class had extra scince lessonswith mr rameshalmost felt alseepbut didntcant sleep in his lessonsthan came back home bath changethan meet afrian at Macdo science and englishthan 5.10pm liaowent to meet aloy at BKgo F.O.P(Festive of Praise)first time goand i went to go againso funnext year going once morethan took mrt back to yishunreach liao then went homechanged came out slack with adrian allslack till 3+ than walked home reach home around 4+than went to sleepTodaywoke up around 3+ than meet ardrian at tzplayed MT2 and MT3hahasplayed awhile than went toto KFC eatafter eating went back up to timezoneplayed againafter awhile walked home with adriango 156coffeeshop eat dinnerafter eating than talk talktill 9.10pm like tt thanw went back to np find my parents than went backhome with themGoing to slack with adrian all laterPSR HuAtZ ArHz~!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
hi2same thingsschoolbut today thursdayso had kopi before schoolhahasthan went to schoolms xu didn comecause she went to take her Moto testhahashope she passhahasthan was MT finish liaorecessafter recess sciencedidn do muchwent through some correctionsthan no more liaothan was mathspaper 2finish go homewent home with adrianthna relax awhilethan meet him at tzplay liaothan go down eat KFCafter KFCcame back up play MT3than just relax at tz all the wayafter awhile went to adrian's housethna mother pick me up at 156 therereach home dinner and bathplaying muPSR hUaTz ArhZ~!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
hey2today went to schoolno different at allhahasthan went back to class1st 2 period englishdid corrections all the waythan 2period CPAdid Acess diffcult siabut after teacher go throughthan easy liaothan was recess after recesswent back to classthan was MTdun noe wad was i doing alsojust talk onlythan ScienceRamesh didn comeso went to the hallafter hallwent back classfor mathslast periodthan did paper 2after tt went to eat at cateenthan went back home preparemeet up with ah chong lin chuan and adrianthan went to AMKto meet Zhimei lee poh and fadliahwatch alone power sia the showhahasshould go and watchthan after tt went to eatafter eat went back to yishunplay MT3than went to safaraplayed pool with adrian nad lin chuanfun sia and funny alsothan after playing go arcade aawhilethan all go back home liaoPSR hUaTz ArhZ~!!