Saturday, June 30, 2007
yo2today went to schoolfirst period PE very very sianzrun 3 rounds do pumping and sit up no more liaocause the teacher talked too muchand he took a very long time to come downthan after PE CPAhahasshiok sia got Air-Con hahas2period doing Word Docfinish liao than went back to classfor Chinese lessontalked all the wayhahasgoo enough liao lehx i nvr sleepthan was Recesspass FAA folder to Aloythan went to eat and talkhahasthan after recess mathsdo worksheet againno changemdm ang say she will print out and make worksheet insteadso good la we dun need textbook liaoafter her lesson was Englishok this period i almost sleepcause i noe everything liaothan went back home with Velariereach home bath liao thango meet velarie againgo tz slack therethan jevan and jai cameafter awhile at timezone wewent to starbuck and waited for alfan therewait dunno how long than all come liaoalfan la jai la adrian synthathan they wan go bishanso they went la me adrian and syntha stayed at TZslack all the way than after awhile pei adrian gohome than i came backto tz myselvesslack also lor than alfan all come back liaothan after awhile i pei alfan go homereach home play game awhile than my parents camehome to have dinnerfinish liao than play game awhile than winston ask wan go makan supper than i say anything loralfan came also than relax thereall the wayhad a FUNNY time there all laugh till stomach pain siahahasthan after that we walked back to my blockslack awhilethan came up to my hosue to help alfan withhis maple story accthan they left liaogoing to sleep soon causetomorrow going to meet alfan allgo YTSS de Festiahahas
Thursday, June 28, 2007
wednesdaywent to school no changehad lessons all the way best thingRamesh not in schoolhahas so free periodafter recess went to hallcause ramesh not in schoolreach hall liao i talkedawhile than i just sleep in thehall hahasafter that woke up liao thanwent back to class for maths arxthan just do wad mdm ang tell us to docopy wad she write than ok liaowent back home bath came to timezonemeet adrian play and playwe went to watch "F4" nice show siashould go and watch if u haven watchthan after that pei adrian go home liaocame back to timezone and wait for my motherTodaymeet adrian at Np Mac for breakfast todayi reach first than went to drink a cup of hot chocolatefinish drinking liao adrian than comethan went to order food eat finish went to bus stop wait for busreach school relax talk talk than morning assemblyfinish went back up to classlessons all the way no stop today all teacher got comebut school dismissed at 12.10pm for our classhahasthan tomorrow also 12.10pmreach home relax awhile than wentoto timezone to meet adrianplayed and played adrian boke C1 Inbound liao2'52'3xx Gratzafter he break liao than went to eat at 921eat finish go up play and relax than afterawhile pei adrian go home than i came back timezonenoting much relax all e way than my mother comefetch me than now at home lor
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
hey2today no diff went to schoolhad course all the wat till 4.30pmso tired sia kep sleepingthan nvr hear wad the teacher sayvnm thanso after the course went to tzplay and play theretill dunno wad time larxthan went back homereach home liao direct sleephahastoo tired larxthan just woke up not longnow eating dinner
Monday, June 25, 2007
yo2hahas today first day of schoolstarted the day goodhad hair check todayand principal talked tooall standrad degot a good news for OPSSFianlly after along timefinally can bring Mp3 to school liaohahasafter that we went for a course all the way tilli think 4.30pm so sianzsleep inside the lessonafter that wen back home bath and change than went to Tzno one there onlyJevan Addicted syntha and Uncleso sianz than after awhile Winston and valerie camehelp me pumped star reachin 600star liaohahasthan went back home taking busreach home waited for parents to come home with dinnernow still eating finish liao than go bath and see wad is there to do
Sunday, June 24, 2007
yo2met up with adrian in the afternooncause was too tired in the morningwoke up at 1+ like tthahasthan had something to eat bath thanmy parents drop me off at northpointwent up to Tzsaw synthathan slack there all the waythan Suaidi came with his friendcame and break record againhe broke 22.8km after that adrian cameplayed with him adrian win and losebut win more larxwad to say a C1,NBL and Hakone Out Meisterafter playing we went to eat at Macsaw madeline there hahasthan found a place to sitwent to buy food eat half-wayQuan Wei came down and eat with usthan after eating went back up to Tzreach 3rd floor liaosaw Addicted hahastalk to her for awhilethan went back up to Tz find Quan Wei and Adrianafter playing i went to adrian house tohelp him with the Mu thingsthan after that i went hometo eat dinner with Familyafter eating watied for Initial D to startjust finish watching onlynice show AE86 FC3S Evo3 and BNR32now going to sleep soon liaotomorrow first day of school so excitedhahasAddicted dun do Stupid things liao lano point u cut your hand every night laPlease dun la
Saturday, June 23, 2007
hi2today went to Chinese Gardengo there play fun siatook MRT therethan go in play liaofinish than everyone come out liao
waited for the washroom so i took a picnoting to do lahahasall bath finish liao than took a cab back to yishunme and adrian dropped at Safraplayed pool thereafter pool went to cut our hairthan we went to eatfinish eaing went back up to tz awhile thani send adrian homethan i go back to tz relaxpump star reachin 600star liaothan my mother called to call me togo down to GV so she can pick me upthan i now at homeeating dinnerADDICTED dun everytime so sad larbe happy larxno point of being sadCheer Up
Friday, June 22, 2007
hey2meet adrian at tz todaymeet liao went to makantoday really noting much larxmax tune 1 wholeday onlythan played with synthaLETS GO JUNGLE againbreak high score againhahasthan noting much loranyway meet someone new todayShe very EMO de everytime EMOso instead of calling her name we call herEMOhahaswaited for my parents to come to have dinnerafter dinner bring my brother songo up timezone play awhile than go liaonow going to meet adrian all liaonow going block 156 eat paratahahasanyway ADDICTED got something to tell uEMO-SHIT!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
yo2today sleep till 2pm siathan called adrianmeet at timezonereach liao we went down to eatfinish liao than we came back up to timezoneadrian play Max tune wan break recordthan i just walk around the placehe played finish liaothan i play went down to Macafter i played finishme and adrian talked for awhileafter that adtian went back home paly maplewhile i go back to timezonerelax all the waythan me any syntha played the Let's Go Junglebreak high score got 1sthahasthan after playingi went to pump star called aflan to help1st time use Celceisor UCF10 4Gear Carthan finish liao went back eat dinnerso board at homesomeone ask me out plsAlfan going to sembawangno one pei me go eat alsoThanks Adrian Hongji and Joesonpei me go makan at 156talk alot of crap and eatwent to hongji house toothan just reach homenow time is 4.40am
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
today went to timezone in the morning
waited for adrian to come
while waiting
play Max Tune
i finally did something i wan to do liao
my *Sls* fianlly SClass liao
happy liao SClass
after so long
just nice once SClass adrian come liao
than played awhile than go down eat
eat half-way potato came with edwin nad cheng hwee
after all eat liao we went back up to timezone
Gratz to Adrian again broke C1OutBound
2'52'3XX C1 Meister
than after he break record he went back home
to chiong maple with ming all
than i stayed at timezone
than just walked around do noting
than saw dexter
than decided to go catch prawns again
so went to Bottle Tree again
this time not so luckly
catch 3only
but saw some uncle catch 1 BIG one
scary also can ask dexter
after that we went back to NP
eat liao than went up to timezone
pump my *Ss*
than just slack there awhile
than pei dexter go MRT station cause
he want go meet Anthony
than came back to tz awhile than went back home
with parents
reach home liao saw my sis
so happy
eat dinner together
and than after diner eat Durian
long time nvr eat liao
now finding things to do
Called Alfan see he wan go out
he said ok so went to eat supper
than went to winston house
talk and talked till dunno wad time arx
than ma and alfan walked back home
reach home around 2am
Alfan look so smart sia
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
started the day very "early" 1am
was with Alfan and Jevan
waited for Jevan at Mac with Alfan
after jevan came
we slack at mac awhile
after jevan eat finish liao we walked
to Krislan palyed CS there
had fun there for 2hours
after playing we went back to
while walking Aflan decided to do something(as shown in the pic) lols
than we walked on reach 7-11
Jevan decided to buy some beer so waited
i did buy some too
than we carry on walking to mac
talk and joke all the way
reach mac liao than i abit "high"
cause of the beer
bought a meal than eat

the time we reach NP Mac
was like 4am like tt liao
finish the meal liao than all went back home
me and alfan walked back
jevan went back also
took some pic outside YTSS
found the cap
Mac de lols
yeap than i reach home around
5.30am than i went to sleep
wake up at 10am
casue i meet aloy 11am at Amk
meet him liao go to Great World there
to Collect FAA Folder
nice sia the folder
than we went to the timezone there
the place sucks
so went down to eat mac
after eating mac we went to take MRT
i went back to yishun while aloy went to...
forget where he go liao
reach Yishun went Tz
reach tz played max tune
my *Ss* going SClass liao
than potato all come liao than after tt jevan help me buy "drinks"
after tt went to take a bus
to Safra reach liao played bowling
lazy to post the pic but can say tt
it was fun and V. Funny
so after playing bowling
we went to the arcade
played Dota with Ziyao all
than play half-way
he all no time liao
so they went off
than left me and potato
so palyed CS
play all the way
than slack at Safra awhile
than went back to timezone
dicky all there
Shirmain and Yishiuan palyed HOTD4
played finish liao went down to
mac to take their diner
i go buy 1 drink than go liao
cause have to eat at home
just finish eating
now dunno wad to do liao
I hope that we can have a fair rematch
cause today was 3v2
hope nxt time can 2v2 or 3v3 dun 2v3
Monday, June 18, 2007
hey2today morning actuallyneed to meet adrian for breakfast debut cant wake upso didnt meet uphe also sleep till lateso both of us didn go for breakfasti went to timezone myselfreach there liaosaw Jevan and Eddie Tanthan Jevan play finish liaowe went down to BKto eateat half-wayeddie and synthacame so eat togetherafter eating we went upto timezone jevan tuning his MR2while i was walking aroundwaited for dunno how longthan i can playplayed some recordand than tune my *Ss*now going to reach SClass liaohahaxthan relax all the wayafter awhile adrian cametalk awhilethan went down to Long Johnto find hongji allfind liao than we went funland hongji allplayed rock feverthan me go tolietafter toliet i come out just nicehongji all played finish liaoso we went to take bus to bottle tree there(across Yishun Stadium)went to to catch prawnshahax1H time we caught around 6prawnshahaxcatch liao we go cook and eatnot bad larx no butter onlyafter that i took a taxi from thereto homereach home liao BATH cause too smelly liaohahaxnow eating dinnerlater going out to meet Alfan AllTomorrow is going to be a busy daymorning meet aloy linafternoon Dota MatchBowling dunno got play pool anot
Sunday, June 17, 2007
today didnt meet up with adrian
for breakfast cause
have to go to GrandFather's house
than reach there liao
did noting
just sit down and rot at one corner
after awhile they started eating
than all cook the same thing
so i dun have much choice too
after eating went down to the playground with my cousion
relax there for dunno how long sia
than my mother bring me to Bishan
went to play max tune
guess who i saw
Justin TimberLake
played afew rounds with him
nice and funny
had fun with him
than took MRT back to yishun
than met up with potato all
after that we went to paly pool
play dinish liao walk back to
i went back home
than my parents bring me go
417 there dinner
whole family was there
had a great dinenr there
than we went back home
reach home liao than bath
now ziyao want a dota match with me
tuesday dota match(2V2)
Me and Fan Su VS Ziyao and Deyao
going to collect FAA Folder with Aloy also
sorry all
cant post adrian records today
because didnt went to northpoint
shall post tomorrow
Saturday, June 16, 2007
hey2no different for todayhad breakfast with adrianat KFC hahaxafter eating slack at timezone all e waytill dunno wad time arthan we went to 156 there eatu might think tt we keep eating butthe second time that we eat isaround 5.30pm like ttthan slack at the coffeeshop theretill adrian father come to give him moneythan adrian went back homei went back to timezoneplay max tune broke C1 Outbound again2'53'5xx ^^than waited for my mother to come to fetch mewait and wait till 9.45pm like ttcame to feth me buy dinner than bring me home to makanhahaxGratz to Adrian owner of car p*.Ap(BNR32)C1MeisterBroke 22.8Km 4'32'3xxBroke C1Out 2'52'430
Didn't take picture of his recordbut shall post tomorrow
Thursday, June 14, 2007
today meet adrian at his block there de coffeeshop
than went to eat breakfast
after eating breakfast
we went down to timezone
pump star for my *Ss*
finally 500star liao
S1 going for S Class

than run some records
didnt break any
so we went down to buy cash card
for adrian after buying went to adrian house
to watch him gatcha
finish liao than went to sell the item and buy some things
after that i went off to np cause i need to go my mother shop
went up 2 Tz for awhile than went off
come down liao went going to interchange tt time
saw madeline
just wave to her
than go liao
than went up to the bus sit down
reach my mother shop liao
than they brought me to AMK to buy
"Liang Cha"
wad they told me was i bring u out to have fun
in the end...
so eat dinner at AMK

Me and My Sister
finish liao send my sister home
than reach home liao
on computer
so now see wads there to do
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
yomorning wake upmeet adrian and potato at timezonewent for breakfast after we weet upate at 925long time nvr go there eat liaoafter eating went back to timezoneme and adrian chiong C1Outboundnot a lucky day both of us didn breaksianz..but i break Personal from 2'54'0xx to 2'53'7xxhahax finally i break liaoafter so longthan went down to mac to R.O.Cafter awhile me and adrian went to funlandhe played powerstone2after playing we went back up to timezonepump star for my *Ss* cause goin to 500star liaohahaxthan relax awhile jevan camethan went to adrian block to eat and wait for jevanto come with the CS disctake liao than me and jevan went to timezonethan adrian went back homethan i slack there all the waywaited for my mother to cometo fetch me homereach home liao eat abit of thingsthan played MU awhileLater going down to meet adrian and alfanWhy lehx??Same things go eat supperHahaxHad a fun and funny timeeating with them jokes aroundafter eating we send adrian homethan alfan came to my house to do some thingsand than he went off
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
went to tz today morningplayed awhilewaited for adrian and potato to comethan they come liaoplayed afew gamesthan went to eat at 921after eating went back up to timezoneto play againthan after playing went to adrian housesee him gacapon and sell away thingsafter that we went down to his house thereto eateat finish liao went back with potatoreach home first thing sleep all the waytill my mother came back home to wakeme up to eat againlolsthan now going to play MU
Monday, June 11, 2007
woke up early in the morning
went Jogging
Started at my house there
all the way till SpringSide there
set off at:8.00am
Reach at:8.41am
took only 41mins
than after that went to the 7-11
to get some drinks
than after that went to R.O.C
than i called mr lee chang da
cause he stay at SpringSide
than talk to him for awhile
cause we have not talk for very long liao
miss him alot
the camp that he took and the punisment
that he gave us we will not forget
but still had a nice time talking to him
after talk liao
than took a bus to NorthPoint
cant Jog liao
if not leg will really Break
reach Np liao went up to see if Tz if its open yet
cause its still early like 10.10am only
so went up saw Tz was still close so i just sit down
relax than once open went up top up
and Btw Yishiuan your gold card i think on wed itself
i can take liao
than now wan push *Sls* to SClass
than waited for adrian and potato to come
they reach liao palyed some game
than went down to 921 to eat
finish liao went to adrian house relax
than went back home bath finish liao than come out meet jevan
pei him go buy CS buy liao came to my home to try
and it wor well
than alfan came also
than all of us took a bus to Tz again
relax there all the way
than paly till my mother come and pick me upLater going to eat Mutabak with Alfan aka badelmohahax
We enjoying together...

Signing off..
(p.s. patch from badelmo..)
woke up early in the morning went Jogging
Started at my house there all the way till SpringSide there
set off at:8.00am Reach at:8.41am
woohoo took only 41mins
than after that went to the 7-11 to get some drinks
than after that went to R.O.C
than i called mr lee chang da
cause he stay at SpringSide than talk to him for awhile
cause we have not talk for very long liao
miss him alot the camp that he took and the punisment
that he gave us we will not forget
but still had a nice time talking to him
after talk liao than took a bus to NorthPoint
cant Jog liao if not leg will really Break
reach Np liao went up to see if Tz if its open yet
cause its still early like 10.10am only so went up
saw Tz was still close so i just sit down relax
than once open went up top up
and Btw Yishiuan your gold card i think on wed itself u can take liao
than now wan push *Sls* to SClass
than waited for adrian and potato to come
they reach liao palyed some game
than went down to 921 to eat finish liao
went to adrian house relax than went back home bath finish liao
than come out meet jevan pei him go buy CS
buy liao came to my home to try and it worked well
than alfan came also than all of us took a bus to Tz again
relax there all the way than play
till my mother come and pick me up
Later going to eat Mutabak with Alfan aka badelmo
Sunday, June 10, 2007
long time nvr post liao
btw wan to thanks Alfan aka badelmo aka poRn* Ldr
for helping me doing my blog
thanks man
woke up in the afternoon today
too tired june holidays i haven sleep well
nvm than
today went to timezone myself
cause all not free
than reach there liao
play half-way max tune
adrian come scare me
than nvm play finish liao
went down to Mac
with adrian and jerial
went to eat student meal
after eating adrian and me go erwin's house
take disc
than jerial went to dicky house
take finish send afrian back home
i came back home played MU awhile
now 11reset liao
awhile more my parents came back
than had dinner
Btw go myself a new spec
That's me with my new spec.. hahax
Justin Timberlake aka Regrets
just send me this picture
Showing me his fats

Alfan in da hse.. made Shawn a new Skin..